Leave a legacy gift to charity in your Will

Ezra raising his hands in excitement as he plays a game with his sister

Gifts in Wills guide

Leave a legacy with a gift in your Will. Support GOSH Charity to make a difference for future generations and learn more about legacy planning today.

Why leave a legacy gift in your Will to GOSH Charity?

Your gift could fund the groundbreaking research, cutting-edge medical equipment, child-centred medical facilities and support services that children and families at GOSH urgently need.

Leave a legacy of hope for the hundreds of children from across the UK who are treated by GOSH every day, for children with rare or complex illnesses everywhere, for this generation and those to come.

Once you’ve taken care of your loved ones, a gift of 5% of your estate could transform a child’s life.

With your help, we can give seriously ill children the best chance, and the best childhoods, possible.

What is a legacy gift and legacy giving?

A legacy gift is a gift that someone leaves to a charity in their Will.

The most common types of legacy gifts left in Wills are:

  • Residuary gift: the residue (or a proportion of the residue) of an estate after all other gifts, debts and expenses have been paid.
  • Pecuniary gift: This is a fixed amount. This type of gift will, over time, devalue with inflation. If you want to futureproof your legacy, you can ask your solicitor about index-linking your gift so its value keeps pace with inflation.
  • Specific gift: a particular asset, for example an investment or property.

How to leave a legacy gift in your Will

We’ve teamed up with Will-writing services that are simple and free for you to use to write or update a straightforward Will.

Speak to our Gifts in Wills team to help with legacy planning

To talk to us about leaving a gift in your Will, please contact our Gifts in Wills team on 020 3841 3131 or email legacy@gosh.org

If you need to get in touch about the administration of an estate or to pay in a legacy gift, please contact our legacy management team via legacyteam@gosh.org or visit paying in a legacy gift for further information.

If you are organising a funeral collection or donations in memory, email inmemory@gosh.org or call 0203 841 3841.

Frequently Asked Questions

Creating a new Will
If you are drafting your Will from scratch, we recommend you use a solicitor or professional Will writer. The cost is relatively modest and it can help reduce the likelihood of your wishes being challenged after you pass away.

You can inform your solicitor or professional Will writer that you would like to leave a gift to GOSH Charity and they will help you to include it in your wishes.

Making a simple change to your Will

You can easily update your Will using a legal document called a codicil. A codicil is used to make simple amendments to your current Will without revoking it. It’s completed in the same way as your Will and should be stored with your Will for safekeeping.

Making a significant change to your Will

If you would like to make significant changes to your Will you may feel that your Will should be redrafted. This will revoke any existing Will and we recommend that you consult your solicitor or professional Will writer to ensure that your Will is drafted and executed correctly.

If you choose to leave us a gift in your Will, the following provides examples of the wording that could be used when drafting or amending your Will. Please always check with your solicitor or professional Will writer to ensure that your wishes will be met.

Wording if you’re leaving Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity a percentage of your estate (also referred to as a residuary gift):

I give ……. per cent (…….%) of the residue of my real and personal estate to Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity of 40 Bernard Street, London WC1N 1LE (registered charity no. 1160024) and the receipt of a duly authorised officer for the time being of Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity shall be sufficient discharge for my Executors.

Wording if you’re leaving Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity a set sum (also referred to as a pecuniary gift):

I give ……. pounds (£…….) to Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity of 40 Bernard Street, London WC1N 1LE (registered charity no. 1160024) and the receipt of a duly authorised officer for the time being of Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity shall be sufficient discharge for my Executors.

Wording if you’re leaving Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity a particular asset (also referred to as a specific gift):

I give my ……. (include a description of the asset here) to Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity of 40 Bernard Street, London WC1N 1LE (registered charity no. 1160024) and the receipt of a duly authorised officer for the time being of Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity shall be sufficient discharge for my Executors.

The full legal description that should always be used to describe the charity in a Will is: Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity of 40 Bernard Street, London WC1N 1LE (Registered Charity No. 1160024).

You don’t need to tell us but, if you are happy to do so, letting us know about your gift will help us to plan for the future as well giving us the chance to say thank you today. Anything you tell us will be treated confidentially and is not legally binding. Email legacy@gosh.org or call 020 3841 3131 to let us know.

Even if you have a Will, it’s important that it’s kept up to date, particularly if there are any major changes in your life or your family.

For small changes, a codicil can be added to your existing Will. If you have a lot of changes to make, or if you already have a codicil, we suggest rewriting your will completely to prevent any confusion with your documents.

You may already have a trusted solicitor or Will-writer, but if you need any support, GOSH Charity is here to help and can offer you a referral to one of our free Will-writing partners.

If you leave 10% or more of your estate to charity the rate of any Inheritance Tax payable reduces from 40% to 36%. We recommend that you speak to a legal advisor about how the Inheritance Tax rules apply to you and your particular circumstances. As a charity we’re not able to offer legal or tax advice.

GOSH Charity has an always on free Wills offer which supporters can be referred to at any time, regardless of their age.

  • Write your Will with a solicitor with the National Free Wills Network.
  • Write your Will with a home-visit using The Goodwill Partnership.
  • Write your Will online or over the phone using Farewill.