Join us to build it. So we can beat it.
Donate today and help us build the new Children’s Cancer Centre at GOSH. A world-class facility with children at its heart.
A place where children have access to play and education alongside pioneering treatments. Where families can stay together through some of the hardest moments. Where access to outdoor space is a priority, and a focus on nutrition helps fuel recovery.
GOSH has a team of dedicated doctors, nurses and researchers who are specialists in the most complex childhood cancers. And there are architects and builders who can transform the hospital. Now we just need people like you.
With your help, we can build the next generation of cancer care for children like Jess, pictured above.
Join us to help build the Children’s Cancer Centre at GOSH and save more lives.
Together, we can build it. Together, we can help beat childhood cancer.

How your support could help
£50Could help towards a ventilator for the Critical Care Unit in the new Children's Cancer Centre.
£30Could help towards the cost of a specialist children’s bed on one of our new cancer wards.
£25Could help towards a bespoke sofa bed so that a parent can stay overnight with their child in their room.
All the funds raised will go towards the development of cancer care at Great Ormond Street Hospital. In the event that costs change, or the needs of the hospital or patients change, we reserve the right to redirect funds for use against the hospital’s most urgent needs.