Charity Modern Slavery Statement
Charity Modern Slavery Statement 2024/25
Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity (“GOSH Charity”) recognises that slavery and human trafficking are extremely serious human rights violations and cause for increasing concern throughout the world. This is especially relevant and worrying to us when this impacts the lives and wellbeing of children. As a result, it is important that we and our trading subsidiary (which together are the “Charity” and/or “We”) never find ourselves in a position where We are directly or indirectly facilitating slavery or human trafficking.
We continue to take a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking, and are resolute to identify and eliminate this, or any elements of it, within our business and supply chain.
This Modern Slavery Statement (“Statement”) is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“Act”) and constitutes the entire Statement for the Charity for the financial year following 31 March 2024, and builds upon the previous five Statements.
Our organisation and business
GOSH Charity is a registered charity in England and Wales (registered charity number 1160024) and is registered as a company limited by guarantee (company number 09338724). GOSH Charity raises money to enable Great Ormond Street Hospital (“the Hospital”) to provide world-class care to children and to pioneer new treatments and cures for childhood illnesses. The support GOSH Charity provides to the Hospital is concentrated in four main areas: redevelopment and refurbishment, pioneering research, advanced medical equipment and support services including accommodation for patient families.
GOSH Charity uses a wholly-owned subsidiary company, Great Ormond Street International Promotions Limited (“GOSIPL”) (company number in England and Wales 02265303) to record its activity classed as trading, for example, the selling of GOSH Charity branded clothing and gifts.
Our supply chain
Our suppliers are predominantly UK-based and required to comply with UK legislation. We will continue to focus on how We engage with suppliers which operate in sectors and jurisdictions at a higher risk from slavery and human trafficking.
In line with the spirit of the Act (that organisations should adopt an approach of continuous improvement in relation to their actions to tackle slavery and human trafficking), and building upon our 2022/23 Statement, during the course of the 2023/24 financial year:
- We reviewed the current contracts register to ensure it remained fit for purpose as the Charity evolves and engages with an increasing number of third parties, including outside of the United Kingdom;
- The Charity Procurement Policy, which sets out the steps those within the Charity that contract with suppliers must follow continues to be embedded within the organisation; and
- The importance of the Act and the ongoing use of the contracts register continued to be emphasised by the in-house legal function, when working with teams across the Charity to engage new suppliers or renew existing contracts.
Our policies
We are committed to making all our staff aware of the Charity’s views in relation to slavery and human trafficking. The policies We have in place provide guidance on areas such as whistleblowing, procurement and safeguarding.
In addition, our policies continue to be provided to our suppliers on the basis that if We engage a supplier, it is expected that they, their employees and anyone they engage with, should comply with the principles set by the Charity.
Due diligence and risk management
We continue to undertake due diligence checks on prospective suppliers, and other third parties, as appropriate, with which the Charity associates itself, using a proportionate risk-based approach.
Looking forward
We understand the importance of being vigilant so that We can quickly identify and address any issues related to our activities associated with slavery and human trafficking. The Charity remains committed to continually developing and improving the protections We have in place and will release an updated version of this Statement at least annually.
In addition, during the 2024/25 financial year We shall continue training on the Act and monitor the progress of the Modern Slavery (Amendment) Bill as it passes through Parliament, to enable us to assess its impact on the Charity and make any necessary updates to internal process that may be required as a result.
This Statement is approved by and on behalf of the GOSH Charity Board of Trustees:

Anne Bulford
Chair, Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity
3 July 2024