Donate a prize

Fundraising is the most important part of Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity's special events. We often hold auctions offering fantastic and exclusive prizes to help us raise large amounts for the hospital. We rely on generous prize donations from our supporters to help us reach our fundraising goals.

Your contribution

Our donors don’t go without recognition. In return, we acknowledge the generosity of you or your company in the event brochure which is given to all guests, promoting your brand to a prestigious audience and aligning you with one of the UK’s most high-profile and well-known charities.

As well as recognition in all our event materials, for any donations we receive that are then sold for more than £10,000 there is an opportunity to be listed in the Gift in Kind section of our Charity Impact Report.

What you could donate

We are always looking for new and exciting luxury items and experiences to auction at our events, whether it is a designer handbag, dinner in a top restaurant, tickets to a concert or a weekend city break.