Door-to-door fundraising

Door-to-door fundraising is an important and highly effective part of our fundraising programme.

It enables fundraisers to engage with members of the public to raise awareness of the work we do, as well as find new supporters, whose regular donations have been so important in supporting the hospital’s life-changing work. We're thrilled to be working in local communities to raise vital funds for the hospital, to make a difference to the lives of seriously ill children from across the UK.

As part of our face-to-face fundraising offering, we also offer the GOSH Charity Weekly Lottery.

Download a list of where we're currently fundraising

GOSH Charity D2D List - October (4) (.pdf)(726.0 KB)

Health and safety

The health and safety of our supporters and fundraisers is our top priority. We follow all Government and sector guidance to make sure our door-to-door fundraising activity is as safe as possible.

Over the last two years, many of the measures that were put in place to control/limit the spread of Covid-19 have been relaxed and there are currently no Covid-19 restrictions in the UK issued by the Government.

We still encourage our fundraisers to be considerate about hygiene and safety moving forward by adhering to the below:

  1. Our fundraisers will carry a personal supply of hand sanitiser / anti-bacterial gel, and use regularly, in particular, if they come across anyone who clearly has a concern around Covid-19.
  2. When approaching any members of the public they will always ensure that they socially distance as much as is appropriate.
  3. Our fundraisers are taught to offer contactless sign-up options wherever possible.
  4. They will also ideally carry a face mask, and should a member of public request one is worn for the conversation to continue, they will put a face-mask on. If they don't have a face mask, they will step away or leave at the member of the public’s discretion.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Supporter Relations team on 020 3841 3131 or email

Download the archived list of last month's fundraising locations

GOSHC D2D list - September (5) (.pdf)(917.8 KB)